Make map
This example shows a map of where Podocnemis unifilis is Endangered in French Guiana. This country was chosen for illustrative purposes because there are relatively few river points.
## River points for specific country.
points_bau4326 <- points_bau_ffr_map |>
dplyr::filter(COUNTRY == "French Guiana") |> # country
sf::st_as_sf(crs = 3395) |>
levels(points_bau4326$flag_50_35y) <- c("No", "Yes")
# colour palette
leaf_pal <- colorFactor(
palette = c("#7274C1", "#A3720E"),
domain = points_bau4326$flag_50_35y
# interactive map. Options added to make panning smoother....
options = leafletOptions(preferCanvas = TRUE)) |>
# Basemap
addTiles(options = tileOptions(
updateWhenZooming = FALSE, # map won't update tiles until zoom is done
updateWhenIdle = TRUE)) |>
# Circles when zoom in.
addCircles(color = ~leaf_pal(flag_50_35y),
group = "points_bau4326_low"
) |>
# Markers with cluster options for smoother panning.
addCircleMarkers(color = ~leaf_pal(flag_50_35y),
stroke = FALSE, fillOpacity = 0.4,
clusterOptions = markerClusterOptions(),
group = "points_bau4326"
) |>
addLegend("bottomright", pal = leaf_pal, title="Endangered",
values = ~flag_50_35y,
group = "en_legend") |>
groupOptions("points_bau4326", zoomLevels = 1:6) |>
groupOptions("points_bau4326_low", zoomLevels = 7:15) |>
addScaleBar() |>